
Load cell for the measurement of static and dynamic loads in TENSION
Nominal Load from 20 tons to 100 tons
Linearity: 0,10%
Output: 2mV/V
on request

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Load cell suitable to work in hostile environments.
High mechanical resistance
Completely made of stainless steel
Completely LASER welded
Degree of protection IP67
Long term stability


Calibration Report

Galvanized shackles for lifting

SG4: Junction box to perform the parallel of multiple load cells.

TA4: Analog Transmitter to connect several load cells in parallel and remote transmitting the measuring signal voltage (± 10V) or current (4-20 mA) to the PLC or more advanced systems.


Wireless transmitter mounted on board of load cell

Handheld receiver


Data sheet D200
Certificate CE
EAC Certificate

Download 3D

D200 20t and 30t

D200 50t to 100t

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    Professional ergonomic indicator extremely versatile and easy to be used for measurement of FORCE, WEIGHT, PRESSURE (gas), VACUUM, TORQUE and DISPLACEMENT. It is possible to integrate inside a force sensor (up to max. 5kN) or a pressure sensor (relative, absolute or differential up to max. 5bar) while from the external input it is possible to connect strain gauges sensors with output in mV/V such as: load cells, force transducers, pressure transducers, torque and displacement transducers. AUTOMATIC recognition of FORCE, WEIGHT, VACUUM, PRESSURE, TORQUE and DISPLACEMENT external transducers (max. 7) LCD graph DISPLAY with 3 levels of backlighting to adapt itself to any conditions of external brightness and with the possibility of rotating the  visualization of 180°. DIGITAL CALIBRATIONS protected by Password with full scale programming or with the “LINEARIZATION by points” of transducers, for every transducer it is possible to separately calibrate both the positive and the negative field. (Example: Tension and Compression) DATALOGGER allows to memorize measurements and to keep them in the internal memory even in case of instrument switching off. (max. 130.000 recordings)

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